Vincent Abbatecola
What is your current profession? I work as a deputy sheriff in the civil enforcement division for the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office. I just started about three months, but I’ve already learned so much and have a great group of people with whom to work.
What is your dream job? My dream job is to be a movie critic. I’ve always loved going to the movies, and ever since I took some film classes in college, I’ve enjoyed dissecting what I watch and analyzing why filmmakers make the choices they make.
What is your pet’s name? I don’t have pet.
What is your favorite sports team? I was never into sports.
What is your go-to snack? Tostitos chips with guacamole dip.
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be and why? Roger Ebert, former film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. He was able to offer film criticism that was both fun and enlightening. His passion for movies always shined through in his reviews.