Community Connections: Patient Closet Donors
Thank You to Our Incredible Patient Closet Donors!
Special thanks to the following groups and individuals for their recent contributions:
- Jamie Surya Yoga for collecting and donating warm sweatpants, sweatshirts, jackets, socks and activity books.
- Evan Karzhevsky and Incidental Contact Band for their generous donation of tee-shirts.
- Girls on the Run for collecting socks, slippers, clothing and activity books.
- Patti Beutel of Warming Hearts of Rockland for donating newborn baby clothing.
- Hudson Valley Humane Society for donating warm coats.

Your contributions ensure that our Patient Closet remains stocked with essential items for those in need. The collective compassion of our community members is truly inspiring.
We are still in desperate need of brand-new baby items such as newborn-sized onesies, pull-on pants, socks and warm buntings to help babies go home from the hospital. Additionally, we need infant car seats (must be brand new or up to safety standards).
Together, we can continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your unwavering support!
If your Girl Scout or Boy Scout troop, civic organization or school group would be interested in hosting a drive or donating to help fill our Patient Closet, please reach out to the Montefiore Nyack Foundation at (845) 348-2770 or