Donor Spotlight: The Simon Family
The work we do wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of donors, and for the Simons, generosity is a family affair. Montefiore Nyack has greatly benefited from the generosity, volunteerism and talents of Dr. Lawrence Simon, Brigitte Simon and Dr. Jordan Simon for nearly five decades.
The Simon family’s dedication to the Hospital began when Dr. Lawrence Simon, a surgeon, joined the medical staff at Nyack Hospital in 1972. He was recently recognized in 2018 for his 45 years of continuous service, and he continues to go above and beyond to support the Hospital’s lifesaving mission, not just as a physician but as a philanthropist.
“I’ve held just about every possible position a practitioner can have,” Dr. Lawrence said. “I’ve been the President of the Medical Staff, Chief of Surgery, served on dozens of committees, helped create the first Quality Assurance Committee, and along with Dr. Martha McGuffey came up with the idea for the Physician’s Ball and Doctor of the Year Award to help fundraise for the hospital.”
In 1994, Dr. Simon was honored at that very Ball. His son Jordan, who was in medical school at the time, was there to celebrate his father, but little did he know, he’d be receiving that very same honor from the very same hospital 20 years later. “I remember the Physician’s Ball when my father was honored. I was graduating from Medical School at NYU and my wife and I very proudly attended that event. I did not realize at the time that I would be working at Nyack Hospital just seven years later,” Dr. Jordan Simon said. “I’m sure my father was equally as proud when I received the same honor in 2014.”
Dr. Jordan Simon, an orthopedic surgeon, has been a member of the Montefiore Nyack Medical & Dental Staff since 2001. Following in the footsteps of his father, he has made great contributions to the Hospital. He was instrumental in founding the Joint Replacement Center at Nyack Hospital in 2006 as Co-Director and has continued to serve as Director of the Center since then, which received Joint Commission Certification in 2014 and has recertified successfully every two years since. He and his wife Julie have been supporters of the Foundation for many years.
“Nyack Hospital has been a part of my life since I was a four-year-old growing up in Pomona,” added Dr. Jordan Simon. “The Hospital has served the people of Rockland County with high quality, compassionate care and remains an invaluable asset to our local community. The events of the past two years, during the pandemic, have emphasized the importance of having a high-quality community hospital to serve the people of Rockland.”
Brigitte Simon has dedicated 36 years to volunteering with the Hospital. “When I first got started helping here at the Hospital I was being introduced as Dr. Simon’s wife, and I said you know what, I want to be introduced as me,” Brigitte said. “So that’s how I started. I wanted to be known for the contributions I could make to my community hospital.”
And contribute she has. In addition to being the proud wife of Dr. Lawrence and stepmother to Dr. Jordan Simon, Brigitte has been a member of the Hospital Auxiliary since 1986 and has served as President since 1995. Since then she has run countless fundraising events to support the Foundation with funds for Hospital equipment and important initiatives. In 2003, she and her dear friend and fellow Auxilian Elaine Weiss took over the hospital gift shop, turning the boutique into a thriving retail destination for employees and the local community and a successful fundraising hub for the hospital.
“With the pandemic, it’s been hard. We can’t host events like we used to. But our beautiful, new gift shop just opened and I continue to serve on committees to help as much as I can,” Brigitte said. “Our family is proud to support the Hospital. It’s a labor of love for us that is extremely rewarding,” she added.
Brigitte’s passion for the Hospital goes beyond the Auxiliary, she also serves on countless committees and is a member of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board of Montefiore Nyack Hospital. She was honored in 2012 at the Foundation’s Art of Excellence event for her dedication to leadership.
The Simon Family has played an integral role in the rich history of Montefiore Nyack Hospital. For nearly half a century they have continued to dedicate themselves to ensuring that the Hospital continues to provide outstanding care. We are grateful for their support and commitment to paving the way for a bright future for our community.