37th Annual Northeastern Anesthesia & Montefiore Nyack Hospital Medical Staff Golf Classic
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 37th Annual Northeastern Anesthesia & Montefiore Nyack Hospital Medical Staff Golf Classic. The rain made way for a beautiful day full of sun! This year’s outing was a scorching sold-out success, raising more than $385,000 to support the Hospital’s Transformation Project, which will make an important impact on the local community.
Whether it is for you or a loved one, access to high-quality innovative care close to home is invaluable and will only be further enhanced through the Transformation Project. The FJ Borelli Family Emergency Center expanded to almost 30,000 square feet and includes dedicated private space for our pediatric patients. In addition, this project has created state-of-the-art space for our Cardiac Cath Lab and Ambulatory Surgery Center. Earlier this year, the Hospital opened its four-and-a-half-story parking garage. Construction continues with the expansion and renovation of the Hospital’s new Lobby which will further enhance the patient experience.
We are incredibly grateful to Dr. Mitchell Cohn, Northeastern Anesthesia, the Montefiore Nyack Medical & Dental Staff and the Jacobs family for their continued leadership and support of this important fundraising effort.

Special thanks to our 2023 Golf Committee:
Mitchell Cohn, MD
Mark Jacobs
Brian Foley
Kevin Francis
Mark Geller, MD
George Hodges
Stephen Kasamis
Doug Katz
Michael Miksad
Michael Novak
Cathy Shea
Katherine Torpey

Special thanks to our Foundation staff and volunteers:

Congratulations to the first place team of Brian Foley, Steven Griffin, Phil Frabrizio and Billy Procida.